Twin Cities Trail Riders Logo Gear
Store open until October 31, 2024 for Anniversary Shirt
Order other product until Nov 10th
Some of the order details.
We open up ordering a few times a year. We collect orders until the posted order by date and then bulk order with our supplier. Items will all be available after the bulk order, not shipped as the orders are placed. This allows us to keep prices as low as possible and order minimums.
The color selector swatches are approximate, not the actual color of the item. Prices may vary by item size.
NOTE: the store items shown are of the item only, without club logo(s) on them. A few sample items are shown below with logos on them.
Due to supply chain issues, we may run into issues with not all colors and/or sizes being available. We will follow up with you if your items are impacted by this issue.
You may use TCTR Club Points to purchase TCTR Logo Gear. The 25th Anniversary shirt is not available using points. Contact for point information or a product discount code.